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KOMPONIST: Daniele Carnevali
VERLAG: Scomegna
This piece was commissioned by the organising committee of the "La Prime Luz 1812" national band contest, held in Bertiolo (Udine), as the compulsory piece for category A. It consists of three movements and, rated as a first international category or national excellence grade piece, it requires the
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Komponist Daniele Carnevali
Verlag Scomegna
Instrumentierung Blasorchester
Moeilijkheidsgraad orkest Grade 4
Produktformat Partitur
Instrument Group Blasorchester
Tiijdsduur 00:09:00
This piece was commissioned by the organising committee of the "La Prime Luz 1812" national band contest, held in Bertiolo (Udine), as the compulsory piece for category A. It consists of three movements and, rated as a first international category or national excellence grade piece, it requires the appropriate variety of timbres and instrumentalists with the necessary skills. The themes, enhanced by the use of unusual tones and compound beats, are often broken, interrupted: hence the title of the piece, intermissions, meaning interruptions. The unifying element is the musical language that, through the use of artificial modes and fourths, seeks to create a balance between tensions of differing intensity and nature.